Review: Mrs. Doubtfire, A Triumphant Revival of Comedy and Heart

Rob McClure (Euphegenia Doubtfire) -Photo by Joan Marcus

In the vibrant and ever-evolving world of musicals, where nostalgia intersects with innovation, “Mrs. Doubtfire” at Hollywood’s Pantages theatre emerges as a remarkable musical adaptation, deftly intertwining heartwarming moments with unrelenting humor. Under the masterful direction of Jerry Zaks and enriched by a score from the illustrious Wayne and Karey Kirkpatrick, this production rejuvenates a cherished narrative, captivating audiences with its superlative comedy and performances.

Axel Bernard Rimmele (Christopher Hillard), Giselle Gutierrez (Lydia Hillard), Rob McClure (Euphegenia Doubtfire), and Kennedy Pitney (Natalie Hillard) -Photo by Joan Marcus

“Mrs. Doubtfire” rejuvenates a cherished narrative, captivating audiences with its superlative comedy and performances.

The narrative centers on the lovable yet hapless Daniel Hillard, brought to life with both warmth and wit by Rob McClure. As Daniel navigates the intricate responsibilities of fatherhood and strives to remain integral in the lives of his children, McClure delivers a performance that is nothing short of spellbinding. His portrayal of both Daniel and his alter ego, Mrs. Doubtfire, is an exquisite amalgamation of physical comedy and profound emotional resonance. Seamlessly transitioning between characters, McClure imbues each role with distinct nuance and authenticity. His adeptness at vocal modulation is particularly noteworthy, making his performance a masterclass in comedic timing and endearing sincerity that resonates deeply with the audience from his first appearance on stage.

Rob McClure (Euphegenia Doubtfire) -Photo by Joan Marcus

Jerry Zaks’s directorial vision imbues “Mrs. Doubtfire” with an aesthetic that is both whimsical and sophisticated. The inventive set and costume designs transport the audience to the bustling streets of San Francisco and the intimate Hillard family home. The musical compositions by the Kirkpatricks further enhance the production, adding layers of lyrical magic. From exuberant showstoppers that encapsulate the chaotic charm of family life to poignant ballads that stir the soul, the musical score is as dynamic and vibrant as the characters themselves. Numbers such as “Make Me a Woman” and “As Long as There Is Love” exemplify the Kirkpatricks’ prowess in crafting tunes that evoke laughter, tears, and communal sing-alongs. A standout moment is the comedic crescendo during a family dinner at a Mexican restaurant, where Lannie Rubio’s riotous performance of “He Lied To Me” as a Flamenco singer leaves the audience in stitches.

This musical adaptation elevates the comedic script to new heights, infusing it with a bolder humor that resonates with adult audiences while retaining the light-hearted charm that delights younger viewers. At its heart, “Mrs. Doubtfire” remains a tribute to the timeless allure of the original film, offering a poignant exploration of familial love and the enduring bonds that unite us.

— Rosane Grimberg

Mrs Doubtfire” plays at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre through June 23rd. Also playing at Segerstrom Center from September 24th through October 6th. More information at